Well good friends and followers, the economy has now been officially stimulated by hot dog vendors all over the world. I have reports in every day about how amazing the hot dog vending industry is and how it offers freedom to those looking to generate a part time income or those owning their own hot dog dynasty so to speak with several carts. Here in the Indiana showroom we are busy.. so busy we can't keep some of our best models in stock. At Hot Dog Cart World.com we allow our new vendors to post a pix of their new business as well as their business address and name. Some have taken advantage of it and some are camera shy that is for sure. Our new site is coming together. If you have any suggestions for the site please let us know, it is our goal to create a community to support the hot dog vendors in the world. We have accessories, parts for hot dog cart repairs most any type of support you need in the business. I can brag of 10 years in this business, this being the busiest by far both in sales of the hot dog cart units and in requests for mobile food service. I am not only a trusted business resource for the new hot dog vendor, I am also someone who has been in the business and struggled with the health department rules and regulations, mother nature's rath of a a rainy season or a "hot" season where people only want to drink, not eat. If you have advice about the hot dog business to new vendors, post it. They come here to read about what we are doing.
What are we doing? Well, secret be told we are starting a new location to soon be announced in the southern states. Yes, you heard it from me and stay tuned for more. We will still run our Indiana location, a young upcoming hot dog vendor chick will be in charge of the Fort Wayne Indiana midwest showroom which boasts of over 2,000 foot of warehouse space. Open right now because our stock is so low.... big mistake this year. Underestimated what the economy could do for us. There is a Frenzy my friends... don't mistake it. Hot dogs are Hot !!! I have a friend a local mortage broker and his wife the RN, they wanted to teach their kids to run their own business and make enough money for the wife to cut back her work hours. Their second year in business and I am hearing their name all around town. They have made their mark in Fort Wayne Indiana and success is theirs for the asking. This business is what you make of it. If you let that cart sit in the garage then it will sit there and not do it's job as a very wise investment. Get it out, find out what it takes to sit on a busy street corner... it's your best marketing technique. You will get recognized, put on a ketchup or mustard costume. Act silly, make some money. Do a promo.... sell a $1.00 dog, just for a week include a coupon or flyer with your name ... it will happen. It did for me and I am so happy. Yes, I talk and walk hot dogs 7 days a week. Guess what I had for lunch today? You guessed it... a hot dog, traditional with relish, ketchup and mustard it was delicious. Take care... Fellow Foodies and keep doggin it.