Hot Dog Cart News for 2013

Hot Dog Cart News for 2013
Osborne's Dreammaker Hot Dog Carts Arrive Soon

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hot Dog Carts In Fort Wayne Indiana

Dreammaker Hot Dog Carts out of Florida is teaming up with Debra Osborne of Fort Wayne, Indiana to create a dealership branch of Dreammaker hot dog carts.  Debra has over 12 years experience in the food service industry, and has successfully run a hot dog cart dynasty of her own for over a decade.  She current administrates a online national forum for hot dog vendors and mobile food vendors on facebook where vendors can go to get support and answers.  Online forums are one of the best creations for hot dog vendors, rarely is it something you will find in your own home town.  We are announcing the location in Fort Wayne, Indiana soon. A dealership location specializing in Dreammaker carts.  Dreammaker carts have the seal of the National Sanitation Foundation which most health departments are leaning toward.  NSF regulated the standards for the food service industry.  It has become extremely important to have this prestigious stamp of approval.  Beware of companies who tell you that you don't need a NSF manufacturer.  Those companies don't want to send their carts through the scrutiny of the National Sanitation Foundation.  Most of the manufacturers that tell you that story, have yet to be in the food business, and never had an food inspector to please.  Ask your manufacturer if they have any food service experience, or experience in manufacturing food service equipment, if they hesitate run  A backyard shop often will use parts that will not meet the strict requirements of most health departments, if they say it's your responsibility to do it, beware again....although each health department may differ in the regulations and requirements of permits most agree that the highest of standards is best.  That is why I chose to be a dealer of Dreammaker Hot Dog Carts.  Their reputation is stellar, good business ethics all around.

Stay tuned, website to come, 1-800 to call and carts to arrive 2nd week of April.  We only recommend the best, no worries about passing the health department, come see Osborne's Dreammaker Hot Dog Carts. 

1 comment:

  1. One of the nice information about the Hot Dog Carts In Fort Wayne Indiana.Thanks for your great information on it.
